initSidebarItems({"enum":[["DecoderTrap","Trap, which handles decoder errors."],["EncoderTrap",""]],"fn":[["decode","Determine the encoding by looking for a Byte Order Mark (BOM) and decoded a single string in memory. Return the result and the used encoding."]],"mod":[["all","A list of all supported encodings. Useful for encodings fixed in the compile time."],["codec","Codec implementations."],["label","An interface for retrieving an encoding (or a set of encodings) from a string/numeric label."],["types","Interface to the character encoding."]],"struct":[["CodecError","Error information from either encoder or decoder."]],"trait":[["ByteWriter","Byte writer used by encoders. In most cases this will be an owned vector of `u8`."],["Encoding","Character encoding."],["RawDecoder","Decoder converting a byte sequence into a Unicode string. This is a lower level interface, and normally `Encoding::decode` should be used instead."],["RawEncoder","Encoder converting a Unicode string into a byte sequence. This is a lower level interface, and normally `Encoding::encode` should be used instead."],["StringWriter","String writer used by decoders. In most cases this will be an owned string."]],"type":[["DecoderTrapFunc",""],["EncoderTrapFunc",""],["EncodingRef",""]]});