var N=null,E="",T="t",U="u",searchIndex={}; var R=["html5ever","attribute","create_element","qualname","nonatomic","tendril","nodeortext","Handle","html5ever::interface","html5ever::rcdom","html5ever::rcdom::NodeData","contents","mathml_annotation_xml_integration_point","serialize","result","html5ever::tendril::fmt","Check whether the buffer is valid for this format.","Convert a byte slice to this kind of slice.","html5ever::tendril","tree_builder","tokenizer","parseopts","html5ever::serialize","A type alias for an attribute name and value (e.g. the…","Serialize","Types that can be serialized (according to the xml-like…","Take the serializer and call its methods to serialize this…","traversalscope","Serializer","Types that are capable of serializing implement this trait","start_elem","Serialize the start of an element, for example ``.","write_text","Serialize a plain text node.","write_comment","Serialize a comment node, for example ``.","write_doctype","Serialize a doctype node, for example ``.","write_processing_instruction","Serialize a processing instruction node, for example…","TraversalScope","Used as a parameter to `serialize`, telling it if we want…","IncludeNode","Include the parent node when serializing.","ChildrenOnly","Only serialize the children of the node, treating any…","serializeopts","BufferQueue","A queue of owned string buffers, which supports…","SetResult","Result from [`pop_except_from`] containing either a…","A character from the `SmallCharSet`.","NotFromSet","A string buffer containing no characters from the…","public_id","system_id","Continue","Plaintext","Doctype","html5ever::tokenizer","A constructor for an element.","ElementFlags","Special properties of an element, useful for tagging…","template","A document fragment should be created, associated with the…","This boolean should be recorded with the element and…","NextParserState","Whether to interrupt further parsing of the current input…","Suspend","Stop further parsing.","Continue without interruptions.","Trace hooks for a garbage-collected DOM.","trace_handle","Upon a call to `trace_handles`, the tree builder will call…","TreeSink","Methods a parser can use to create the DOM. The DOM…","`Handle` is a reference to a DOM node. The tree builder…","The overall result of parsing.","Consume this sink and return the overall result of parsing.","parse_error","Signal a parse error.","get_document","Get a handle to the `Document` node.","elem_name","What is the name of this element?","expandedname","Create an element.","elementflags","create_comment","Create a comment node.","create_pi","Create a Processing Instruction node.","Append a node as the last child of the given node. If this…","append_based_on_parent_node","When the insertion point is decided by the existence of a…","append_doctype_to_document","Append a `DOCTYPE` element to the `Document` node.","mark_script_already_started","Mark a HTML `