initSidebarItems({"macro":[["box_html!","Crate a new owned html template."],["html!","Crate a new html template"],["raw!","Mark a string as a raw. The string will not be rendered."]],"mod":[["prelude","Traits that should always be imported."]],"struct":[["Raw","Raw content marker."],["Renderer","A template renderer. The `html! {}` macro returns a `Renderer`."],["TemplateBuilder","A template builder. This is the type that gets passed to closures inside templates."]],"trait":[["Render","Something that can be rendered by reference."],["RenderBox","Something that can be rendered once out of a box."],["RenderMut","Something that can be rendered by mutable reference."],["RenderOnce","Something that can be rendered once."],["Template","A template that can be rendered into something."]]});