home-easy 0.1.1

Simple Rust home-easy protocol implementation
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home-easy-rs aims to implement the home-easy protocol, used by some home automation devices. Currently, it have been tested with Chacon DIO remote plugs (Ref. 54760), a Seeds Studio 433MHz emetter and a Raspberry Pi 3 on ArchLinux. The current code is mostly a translation of the C++ code of Vincent Demay and Idleman.

This code produce both a libray to use with your own projects, and a CLI utility called dios to test it easily.


You must first choose a toolchain to cross-compile. Only ARMv7 architecture on Raspberry Pi have been tested yet, however it should work on AArch64. You must first install the choosen toolchain via rustup, then compile with cargo. For instance:

rustup target add armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
cargo build --target=armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --release

CLI Utility Usage

You must first authentify the emetter with the receipter (the way to do it depends on your device, please refer to its manual).

sudo dios 0 12321234 3 on -v