holochain_types 0.0.44

Holochain common types
//! Common types used by other Holochain crates.
//! This crate is a complement to the
//! [holochain_zome_types crate](https://crates.io/crates/holochain_zome_types),
//! which contains only the essential types which are used in Holochain DNA
//! code. This crate expands on those types to include all types which Holochain
//! itself depends on.

// Toggle this to see what needs to be eventually refactored (as warnings).
// We have a lot of usages of type aliases to `&String`, which clippy objects to.

pub mod access;
pub mod action;
pub mod activity;
pub mod app;
pub mod autonomic;
pub mod chain;
pub mod combinators;
pub mod db;
pub mod db_cache;
pub mod dht_op;
pub mod dna;
pub mod entry;
pub mod fixt;
pub mod inline_zome;
pub mod link;
mod macros;
pub mod metadata;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod rate_limit;
pub mod record;
pub mod share;
pub mod signal;
pub mod sql;
pub mod validate;
pub mod web_app;
pub mod zome_types;

pub mod test_utils;

pub use holochain_zome_types::entry::EntryHashed;