Module holochain_state::prelude[][src]


pub use crate::mutations::*;
pub use crate::query::prelude::*;
pub use crate::source_chain::*;
pub use crate::validation_db::*;
pub use crate::validation_receipts::*;
pub use crate::wasm::*;
pub use crate::workspace::*;
pub use crate::*;
pub use crate::test_utils::*;


Macro to generate a fresh reader from an DbRead with less boilerplate

Macro to generate a fresh reader from an DbRead with less boilerplate Use this in tests, where everything gets unwrapped anyway


A read-only version of DbWrite. This environment can only generate read-only transactions, never read-write.

The canonical representation of a (singleton) database. The wrapper contains methods for managing transactions and database connections,

A test database in a temp directory

A container for all three non-cell environments


The various types of database, used to specify the list of databases to initialize


Extension trait to treat connection instances as p2p store accessors.

Extension trait to treat transaction instances as p2p store accessors.

An Iterator-like trait that allows for calculation of items to fail.

Implementors are able to create a new read-only DB transaction

Implementors are able to create a new read-write DB transaction


Clamp a u64 to the range of a i64.

Prune all expired AgentInfoSigned records from the p2p_store

Put an AgentInfoSigned record into the p2p_store

Put an iterator of AgentInfoSigned records into the p2p_store

Insert a p2p record from within a write transaction.

Record a p2p metric datum

Query the p2p_metrics database in a variety of ways

Create a TestDb of DbKind::Cell, backed by a temp directory.

Create a fresh set of test environments with a new TempDir

Type Definitions