holochain_keystore 0.3.1

keystore for libsodium keypairs
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A Keystore is a secure repository of private keys. MetaLairClient is a reference to a Keystore. MetaLairClient allows async generation of keypairs, and usage of those keypairs, reference by the public AgentPubKey.


use holo_hash::AgentPubKey;
use holochain_keystore::*;
use holochain_serialized_bytes::prelude::*;

#[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn main() {
    tokio::task::spawn(async move {
        let keystore = holochain_keystore::spawn_test_keystore().await.unwrap();
        let agent_pubkey = AgentPubKey::new_random(&keystore).await.unwrap();

        #[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, SerializedBytes)]
        struct MyData(Vec<u8>);

        let my_data_1 = MyData(b"signature test data 1".to_vec());

        let signature = agent_pubkey.sign(&keystore, &my_data_1).await.unwrap();

        assert!(agent_pubkey.verify_signature(&signature, &my_data_1).await.unwrap());

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