holochain_client 0.5.0-dev.26

A Rust client for the Holochain Conductor API
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.follows = "holonix/nixpkgs";
    versions.url = "github:holochain/holochain?dir=versions/weekly";
    holonix.url = "github:holochain/holochain";
    holonix.inputs.versions.follows = "versions";

  outputs = inputs@{ holonix, ... }:
    holonix.inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
      # provide a dev shell for all systems that the holonix flake supports
      systems = builtins.attrNames holonix.devShells;

      perSystem = { config, system, pkgs, ... }:
          devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
            inputsFrom = [ holonix.devShells.${system}.holochainBinaries ];
            packages = with pkgs; [
              # add further packages from nixpkgs