holochain_cli_bundle 0.3.1

DNA and hApp bundling functionality for the `hc` Holochain CLI utility
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License: Apache-2.0

Utilities to create DNA, hApp, and web-hApp bundle files from a source working directory and manifest file, and vice-versa. This crate defines three separate subcommands for the hc CLI tool, one for each type of bundle. All subcommands are very similar and have nearly identical flags and options.

This crate also defines standalone binaries for each subcommand, hc-dna, hc-app, and hc-web-app.

hc app and hc web-app are very similar, only differing by the addition of a --recursive flag. If used, this flag attempts to first pack all the assets to be included in the bundle being packed. If it doesn't find the bundled DNA or hApp asset specified, it will by convention look for a DNA or hApp manifest file in the same directory and attempt to pack it using the specified name.


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License: Apache-2.0

Copyright (C) 2019 - 2024, Holochain Foundation

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the license provided in the LICENSE file (Apache 2.0). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.