hm 0.2.1

homemaker. Slightly more than yet another dotfile manager.
hm-0.2.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: hm-0.7.5

have a dotfiles directory with all your stuff in it? have homemaker put everything in its right place.

gfycat of it in action

  1. create a config.toml file either anywhere or in ~/.config/homemaker/.
  2. enter things to do things to in the file. example:
## config.toml

file = 'tmux.conf'
source = '~/dotfiles/.tmux.conf'
destination = '~/.tmux.conf'
method = 'symlink'

task = 'zt'
solution = 'cd ~/dotfiles/zt && git pull'
dependencies = 'maim, slop'

task = 'slop'
source = '~/dotfiles/zt/slop'
solution = 'cd ~/dotfiles/zt/slop; make clean; cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ./ && make && sudo make install'
method = 'execute'
  1. hm ~/path/to/your/config.toml

built with spacemacs

thanks to actual good code: serde toml symlink solvent indicatif console