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Hercules: QUBO Heuristic Solver Toolkit

Hercules is a Rust library for (heuristically) solving Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems. Hercules is designed to be used as a library for implementing and testing QUBO heuristics. It is mostly a side project for me during my PhD, so please be understanding of this.

What is this library for?

Hercules is designed as a simple, easy-to-use library for solving QUBO problems. It is not necessarily designed to be a state-of-the-art tool but a toolkit for quickly prototyping and testing new heuristics. That said, Hercules is designed to be fast and written in Rust, a high-performance systems programming language.


Hercules is currently in the early stages of development. The following features are currently implemented:

  • QUBO data structure
  • QUBO problem generation
  • 1-opt heuristic
  • Gain heuristic (based on boros2007)
  • Tabu search
  • Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Parallel Tempering

Simple: Read and solve QUBO example

This can be used to generate get and generate high quality (depending on the search heuristic) solutions to the QUBO problem being considered. For example, the following code shows how to use the gain criteria search to find a local minimum of a QUBO problem.

use hercules::qubo::Qubo;
use hercules::local_search::simple_gain_criteria_search;
use hercules::initial_points::generate_central_starting_points;

// read in a QUBO problem from a file
let p = Qubo::read_qubo("test.qubo");

// generate an initial point of 0.5 for each variable
let x_0 = generate_central_starting_points(&p);

// use the gain criteria search to find a local minimum with an upper bound of 1000 iterations
let x_1 = simple_gain_criteria_search(&p, &x_0, 1000);

Advanced: Mixing two local search heuristics

The subcomponents of Hercules can be used independently and interchangeably allowing us to create new heuristics on the fly. For example, the following code shows how to make a new local search function based on 1-opt and gain search. Each iteration of the algorithm is defined as finding the lowest energy point in the neighborhood of the current point and then doing a large-scale flipping operation, flipping bits based on the gains of the function. This allows for simple, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-implement local search algorithms (amongst other ideas).

use hercules::qubo::Qubo;
use hercules::local_search::*;
use hercules::local_search_utils::*;
use ndarray::Array1;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use hercules::initial_points;
use smolprng::{PRNG, JsfLarge};

// A simple local search heuristic that uses 1-opt and gain-criteria search
pub fn simple_mixed_search(qubo: &Qubo, x_0: &Array1<f64>, max_steps:usize) -> Array1<f64>{
    // create a mutable copy of the initial point
    let mut x = x_0.clone();
    // flip the bits maximize the 1D gains
    let mut x_1 = get_gain_criteria(qubo, &x);
    let mut steps = 0;
    // run the local search until we reach a local minimum or we reach the maximum number of steps
    while x_1 != x && steps <= max_steps {
        x = x_1.clone();
        // find the lowest energy point in the neighborhood of x (can be x itself)
        x_1 = one_step_local_search(qubo, &x, &(0..qubo.num_x()).collect());
        // flip the bits to better satisfy the stationary conditions
        x_1 = get_gain_criteria(qubo, &x_1);
        // increment the number of steps
        steps += 1;
    // return the best point found

// create a random QUBO problem
let mut prng = PRNG {
    generator: JsfLarge::default(),
let p = Qubo::make_random_qubo(1000, &mut prng, 0.1);

// generate 8 random starting points
let mut x_s = initial_points::generate_random_starting_points(&p, 8, &mut prng);

// solve each initial point, in parallel
let x_sols: Vec<_> = x_s
    .map(|x| simple_mixed_search(&p, &x, 1000))

// find the best solution
let min_obj = x_sols
    .map(|x| p.eval(&x))
    .min_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap())

This is actually a quite effective simple local search heuristic, and can be used as a starting point for more complex heuristics. Here, we can solve a randomly generated sparse 1000x1000 QUBO problem to within 0.5% of the optimal solution in about half second on a laptop.


  • Initial points, is there general code that can be used to create starting points for the algorithms you write.
  • Local Search contains all of the implemented local search algorithms
  • This module contains utility functions for local search algorithms.
  • This module contains the QUBO struct and associated methods
  • This is the general Utils module, which contains functions that are used by multiple algorithms and there is not a better place to put them as of yet.