Crate hdbconnect

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Native rust database driver for SAP HANA(TM).

hdbconnect uses serde_db to simplify the data exchange between application code and the driver, both for input parameters to prepared statements and for results that are returned from the database. There is no need to iterate over a resultset by rows and columns, just assign query results directly to rust structures that fit the data semantics. This approach allows, in contrast to many ORM mapping variants, using the full flexibility of SQL (projection lists, all kinds of joins, unions, etc, etc). Whatever query you need, you just use it, and whatever result structure you need, you just use a corresponding rust structure into which you deserialize the data.

See code examples for an overview.


Code examples for the usage of this database driver.
Constants for the IDs of the data types being used by HANA.
Non-standard types that are used within the HdbValues in a ResultSet.


An immutable struct with all information necessary to open a new connection to a HANA database.
A builder for ConnectParams.
Connection object.
Implementation of r2d2’s ManageConnection interface.
Represents all possible non-error responses to a database command.
Describes output parameters, as they can be returned by procedure calls.
Metadata for a parameter.
Allows injection-safe SQL execution and repeated calls of the same statement with different parameters with as few roundtrips as possible.
Contains the result of a database read command, including the describing metadata.
Metadata for the fields in a result set.
A generic implementation of a single line of a ResultSet.
Describes an error that is reported from the database.


Represents all possible errors that can occur in hdbconnect.
An enum that describes a single database return value.
Enum for all supported database value types.
Describes whether a parameter is Nullable or not or if it has a default value.
Describes whether a parameter is used for input, output, or both.
Expresses where Server Certificates are read from.
Severity of a server message


A trait implemented by types that can be converted into a ConnectParams.

Type Definitions

Abbreviation of Result<T, HdbError>.