haversine-rs 0.3.0

Provides some helpers functions to calculate the distance between two points on Earth using the Haversine formula.


Provides some helpers functions to calculate the distance between two points on Earth using the Haversine formula. Also can find the bearing between two points, and get a point at a given distance and bearing from a given point.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

haversine-rs = "0.3.0"


use haversine_rs::point::Point;
use haversine_rs::units::Unit;
use haversine_rs::distance;
use haversine_rs::bearing;
use haversine_rs::find_point;

fn main() {
    let p1 = Point::new(40.7767644, -73.9761399);
    let p2= Point::new(40.771209, -73.9673991);

    let distance = distance(p1, p2, Unit::Miles);
    let bearing = bearing(p1, p2);

    let p3 = find_point(p1, 1.0, 90.0, Unit::Miles);

    println!("Distance: {} miles", distance);
    println!("Bearing: {} degrees", bearing);
    println!("Point at 1 mile and 90 degrees: {:?}", p3);

Custom Earth radius

use haversine_rs::point::Point;
use haversine_rs::units::Unit;
use haversine_rs::distance;
use haversine_rs::bearing;
use haversine_rs::find_point;

fn main() {
    let p1 = Point::new(40.7767644, -73.9761399);
    let p2= Point::new(40.771209, -73.9673991);

    let distance = distance(p1, p2, Unit::Custom(3950.0));
    let bearing = bearing(p1, p2);

    let p3 = find_point(p1, 1.0, 90.0, Unit::Custom(3950.0));

    println!("Distance: {} miles", distance);
    println!("Bearing: {} degrees", bearing);
    println!("Point at 1 mile and 90 degrees: {:?}", p3);

Distance between multiple points

use haversine_rs::point::Point;
use haversine_rs::units::Unit;
use haversine_rs::distance_vec;

fn main() {
    let p1 = Point::new(40.7767644, -73.9761399);
    let p2 = Point::new(40.773987, -73.971769);
    let p3 = Point::new(40.771209, -73.9673991);

    let distance = distance_vec(vec![point_x, point_y, point_z], Unit::Miles);

    println!("Distance: {} miles", distance);


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.