Expand description

Hannibal is a rust actors framework based on async-std



  • Async actors.
  • Actor communication in a local context.
  • Using Futures for asynchronous message handling.
  • Typed messages (No Any type). Generic messages are allowed.


use hannibal::*;

#[message(result = "String")]
struct ToUppercase(String);

struct MyActor;

impl Actor for MyActor {}

impl Handler<ToUppercase> for MyActor {
    async fn handle(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context<Self>, msg: ToUppercase) -> String {

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Start actor and get its address
    let mut addr = MyActor.start().await?;

    // Send message `ToUppercase` to actor via addr
    let res = addr.call(ToUppercase("lowercase".to_string())).await?;
    assert_eq!(res, "LOWERCASE");


Actixthe original inspiration
Async-stda supported runtime
Tokioa supported runtime
Xactororiginal version of this


pub use anyhow as error;


The address of an actor.

Message broker is used to support publishing and subscribing to messages.

Caller of a specific message type

An actor execution context.

Sender of a specific message type

Actor supervisor

Weak version of Addr<A>.


Actors are objects which encapsulate state and behavior. Actors run within a specific execution context Context<A>. The context object is available only during execution. Each actor has a separate execution context.

Describes how to handle messages of a specific type. Implementing Handler is a general way to handle incoming messages. The type T is a message which can be handled by the actor.

Trait define a local service.

Trait define a global service.

Describes how to handle messages of a specific type. Implementing Handler is a general way to handle incoming streams. The type T is a stream message which can be handled by the actor. Stream messages do not need to implement the Message trait.


Spawns a task and blocks the current thread on its result.

Sleeps for the specified amount of time.

Spawns a task.

Awaits a future or times out after a duration of time.

Type Definitions

Attribute Macros

Implement an hannibal main function.

Implement an hannibal message type.