Macro gxi::gxi[][src]

gxi!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

proc-macro for writing gxi components


gxi! {
    NameOfComponent { // Constructor block
         count : u32 = 0 // property : type = default value ; (optional)
    update { // gxi_update_macro function (Optional)
        // The business logic goes here
    render { // render function (Optional)
         { /* Component tree goes here */ }

Render Block

The component tree is written in this block. It produces the render function as follows.

fn render(this: NodeRc) {
   let cont = Rc::clone(&this);
   let node = cont.clone();
   let state = {
       let mut node_borrow = this.as_ref().borrow_mut();
       let node = node_borrow.as_any_mut().downcast_mut::<Self>().unwrap();
       if !node.is_dirty() {
   let state = state.lock().unwrap();
   // the content of the render block is moved here

It is recommended not to write the render function manually. Use the render block instead. Synctax for the render block can be found here

Update Block

The gxi_update_macro block produces

async fn update<F: Fn() + 'static>(state: State, msg: Msg, render: F) -> AsyncResult<ShouldRender> {
    // the content of the gxi_update_macro block is moved here

In this block values state: State, msg: Msg, render: F are present which can be used as follows ->

  • state - is of type State = Arc<Mutex<ComponentState>>; where ComponentState has all the fields defined in the constructor block. It must be used to manipulate the state of the component. For efficient renders, the dev should drop the lock on the mutex before awaiting an async call.

  • msg - This is the enum defined by the user outside the macro. Example

    enum Msg {
  • render- is a closure that can be called to pre-render the component. This can be used in situations where the final value of an async function is not yet received but the user has to be notified about the progress. A popular example is progress bars.