Crate gust [] [src]

Gust is a library that makes it easy to build simple data visualizations with Rust. It's built focused on easy of use and simplicity, and uses d3 and Vega to create an interactive chart


Gust is on and can be added by adding 'gust' to your dependencies in your Cargo.toml.

regex = "0.2"

and then add this to your crate root:

extern crate gust;

Example: create a bar chart

Use of gust involves defining a Graphable object like a bar graph, and adding whatever data you would like to visualize, and then simply calling render on it. Gust will build your graph and add it to the gust_build folder, under whatever file format you have specified.

use gust::backend::bar_chart::BarChart;
    use gust::frontend::write::render_graph;
    use gust::backend::general::FileType;
    let mut b = BarChart::new();
        let v = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"];
        for i in 0..10 {
            b.add_data(v[i].to_string(), (i * i * i) as i32);
       render_graph(&b, FileType::HTML).unwrap();

More ergonomic configuration options are in the process of being implemented, but not quite done. For the time being, most member variables have been left public, and may be modified.

Notes about building

Gust will by default write all of the output html files into the top level gust_build directory that is then stratified by the type of output file specified.

For Example:

use gust::backend::bar_chart::BarChart;
use gust::frontend::write::render_graph;
use gust::backend::general::FileType;

let mut b = BarChart::new();
        let v = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"];
        for i in 0..10 {
            b.add_data(v[i].to_string(), (i * i * i) as i32);
       render_graph(&b, FileType::HTML).unwrap();

The resulting file will be saved as gust_build/html/barchart.html If you want to update the name, just change the identifier (b.identifier)



The backend module handles the actual Rust structs that are used to model different Vega charts
