Crate gura[][src]

Expand description

Gura Rust

Gura is a file format for configuration files. Gura is as readable as YAML and simple as TOML. Its syntax is clear and powerful, yet familiar for YAML/TOML users.

This crate parses Gura strings into Rust structures and vice versa:

use gura::{dump, parse, GuraType};

fn main() {
    let gura_string = "
title: \"Gura Example\"

    username: \"Stephen\"
    pass: \"Hawking\"

hosts: [

    // Parse: transforms a Gura string into a dictionary
    let parsed = parse(&gura_string).unwrap();

    // Debug and Display
    // println!("{:#?}", parsed);
    // println!("{}", parsed);

    // Access a specific field
    println!("Title -> {}", parsed["title"]);

    // Iterate over structure
    if let GuraType::Array(hosts) = &parsed["hosts"] {
        for host in hosts.iter() {
            println!("Host -> {}", *host);

    // Dump: transforms a dictionary into a Gura string
    let string_again = dump(&parsed);
    println!("\n+++++ Dump result +++++");
    println!("{}", string_again);

Easy creation, easy access

Using macros and indexing, it’s easy to work with the data.

use gura::{object, dump, GuraType};

fn main() {
    let object = object! {
        a_number: 55,
        nested: {
            array: [1, 2, 3],
            nested_ar: [1, [2, 3], 4]
        a_string: "Gura Rust"

    // Access a specific field
    assert_eq!(object["a_number"], 55);
    assert_eq!(object["a_string"], "Gura Rust");

    // Iterate over structure
    if let GuraType::Array(numbers) = &object["nested"]["array"] {
        for number in numbers.iter() {
            println!("Number in array -> {}", *number);

    // Dump: transforms a dictionary into a Gura string
    let object_string = dump(&object);
    println!("\n+++++ Dump result +++++");
    println!("{}", object_string);


pub use self::parser::dump;
pub use self::parser::parse;
pub use self::parser::GuraType;



Helper macro for creating instances of GuraType::Array.

Helper macro for creating instances of GuraType::Object.

Helper crate for converting types into GuraType. It’s used internally by the object! and array! macros.