Crate gumdrop [] [src]

Option parser with custom derive support


extern crate gumdrop;
#[macro_use] extern crate gumdrop_derive;

use std::env::args;
use gumdrop::Options;

// Defines options that can be parsed from the command line.
// `derive(Options)` will generate an implementation of the trait `Options`.
// An implementation of `Default` (derived or otherwise) is required for the
// generated implementation.
// (`Debug` is only derived here for demonstration purposes.)
#[derive(Debug, Default, Options)]
struct MyOptions {
    // Contains "free" arguments -- those that are not options.
    // If no `free` field is declared, free arguments will result in an error.
    free: Vec<String>,

    // Boolean options are treated as flags, taking no additional values.
    // The optional `help` attribute is displayed in `usage` text.
    #[options(help = "print help message")]
    help: bool,

    // Non-boolean fields will take a value from the command line.
    // Wrapping the type in an `Option` is not necessary, but provides clarity.
    #[options(help = "give a string argument")]
    string: Option<String>,

    // A field can be any type that implements `FromStr`.
    // The optional `meta` attribute is displayed in `usage` text.
    #[options(help = "give a number as an argument", meta = "N")]
    number: Option<i32>,

    // A `Vec` field will accumulate all values received from the command line.
    #[options(help = "give a list of string items")]
    item: Vec<String>,

    // The `count` flag will treat the option as a counter.
    // Each time the option is encountered, the field is incremented.
    #[options(count, help = "increase a counting value")]
    count: u32,

    // Option names are automatically generated from field names, but these
    // can be overriden. The attributes `short = "?"`, `long = "..."`,
    // `no_short`, and `no_long` are used to control option names.
    #[options(no_short, help = "this option has no short form")]
    long_option_only: bool,

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = args().collect();

    // Remember to skip the first argument. That's the program name.
    let opts = match MyOptions::parse_args_default(&args[1..]) {
        Ok(opts) => opts,
        Err(e) => {
            println!("{}: {}", args[0], e);

    if {
        // Printing usage text for the `--help` option is handled explicitly
        // by the program.
        // However, `derive(Options)` does generate information about all
        // defined options.
        println!("Usage: {} [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]", args[0]);
        println!("{}", MyOptions::usage());
    } else {
        println!("{:#?}", opts);



Represents an error encountered during argument parsing


Parses options from a series of &str-like values.



Represents an option parsed from a Parser


Controls behavior of free arguments in Parser



Implements a set of options parsed from command line arguments.



Parses arguments from the command line.


Parses arguments from the command line using the default parsing style.