[][src]Module gulali::attributes

Vector attributes


Gulali uses Rust's vector standard data type extensively. We don't reinvent yet-another data type to keep things simple and easy to use. Gulali added the following attributes to Rust's vector:

  • dim: the number of dimensions of the vector.
  • shape: This is a list of integers indicating the size of the vector in each dimension. For a matrix with n rows and m columns, shape will be [n,m]. The length of the shape is therefore the number of dimensions, dim().
  • size: the total number of elements of the vector. This is equal to the product of the elements of shape.


// Create two-dimensional vector with shape [3, 3]
// filled with zeros
let matrix: Vec<Vec<i32>> = Vec::two_dim(3, 3).zeros();

assert_eq!(matrix.dim(), 2);
assert_eq!(matrix.shape(), [3, 3]);
assert_eq!(matrix.size(), 9);



Dimension of the vector


A list of integers indicating the size of the vector in each dimension


Total number of elements of the vector