guidon 0.2.4

Library to initialize project from templates



guidon is a french word for handlebars.
guidon is a small library which aims to speed up project initialization with templates.

guidon has a command line interface guic

guidon = "0.2"

guidon performs templating based on handlebars templating system.


Files to be handles needs to have an .hbs extension. Folders and files names can be templatized too : {{folder/subfolder}}
The entry point is the Guidon structure.

Basic init

use guidon::Guidon;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::PathBuf;

let mut guidon = Guidon::new(PathBuf::from("path/to/template/dir"));
let mut vars = HashMap::new();
vars.insert("key1".to_string(), "value1".to_string());

With this initialization:

  • guidon will use the vars map to find substitution values.
  • guidon will parse the directory path/to/template/dir/template
  • the result will be written in path/to/destination

TryNew init

guidon implements a TryNew trait to initialize from a dir or a git repo

TryNew from path

use guidon::{Guidon, TryNew};

let mut guidon = Guidon::try_new("path/to/template/dir").unwrap();

With this initialization:

  • guidon will init the substitution variables from path/to/template/dir/variables.toml
  • guidon will parse the directory path/to/template/dir/template
use guidon::{Guidon, TryNew};

let mut guidon = Guidon::try_new("path/to/template/dir/my_vars.toml").unwrap();

With this initialization:

  • guidon will init the substitution variables from path/to/template/dir/my_vars.toml
  • guidon will parse the directory path/to/template/dir

TryNew from git repo

use guidon::{{Guidon, TryNew, GitOptions}};

let git = GitOptions::builder()
    .credentials(("user".to_string(), "password".to_string()))
let mut guidon = Guidon::try_new(git);

With this initialization

  • guidon will clone the repo to a temporary directory
  • guidon will init the substitutions variables from tmp/dir/template.toml
  • when applying template, guidon will parse the directory tmp/dir/template

Template variables

The configuration file is structured as follows :

# Key value pairs for template substitution
test1 = "test 1"
test2 = "test 2"


The git initialization is a feature that can be deactivated.
In Cargo.toml

version = "0.2"
default-features = false


guidon offers the possiblity to provide two callbacks :

  • a variables callback to operate on the variables before applying the template
  • a render callback, which is called if a missing value is detected while rendering the template.

These callbacks could be use for user interaction, or default behaviour.

Variable callback

In this example, the callback will add " cb" to every value.

  use guidon::Guidon;
  use std::collections::HashMap;
  use std::path::PathBuf;
  let cb = |h: &mut HashMap<String, String>| {
          h.iter_mut().for_each(|(_, v)|  *v +=" cb");
  let mut guidon = Guidon::new(PathBuf::from("template/path"));

Render callback

In this example, the callback will replace any missing value by the key concatenated with "-cb"

use guidon::Guidon;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::PathBuf;

// this callback will add `-cb` to the key as a value
let cb = |h: String| {
        let mut s = h.clone();
let mut guidon = Guidon::new(PathBuf::from("template/path"));


guidon uses the log facade.

Minimum rust version

The minimum rust version is 1.38.0


This project is licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in guidon by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.