Crate gridsim [] [src]

Gridsim is a library intended to run grid-based simulations. The library in its current form is not what it is intended to be. Once const generics are available in nightly, this library will be turned into a library which is generic across all grid simulations. This will include hex grid, rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb (in its multiple tight-pack layer patterns), square grid, cube grid, and even n-dimensional grids. It will also be generic over the neighbor distance including moore and von-neumann neighborhood. It should also eventually be given mechanisms to easier support running on clusters.

In its current early state, it will be used for 2d square grids only. The structure will be relatively similar to the final form, but include none of the above features except for the simulation part.



Represents the state of the simulation.



Conway's Game of Life



Defines a simulation for simple things like cellular automata.


Defines a simulation for complicated things that have too much state to abandon on the next cycle.