graphsearch 0.3.0

A simple graph search and representation library failed to build graphsearch-0.3.0
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Graph search

graphsearch is a simple graph library for the rust programming language. graphsearch can be used for basic representation and manipulation of graph structures. At the moment featureset is quite limited.


  • - The document you are currently reading.
  • Cargo.toml - The cargo definition for this package.
  • src/ - The actual implementation of this library.


  • Graphs with vertex costs
  • Breadth first search
  • Depth first search
  • Dijksras algorithm

Usage example

Here's a short basic example of using this library as an external crate:

extern crate graphsearch;
use graphsearch::Graph;
fn main() {
  let testgraph = vec![vec![Some(0), Some(20), None],
                       vec![   None,  Some(0), Some(30)],
                       vec![   None,     None, Some(0)]];
  let start: usize = 0;
  let target: usize = 2;
  let g = Graph::new(testgraph);
  let res =, target); // uses dijkstras algorithm
  match res {
    None => {
      println!("Search returned None");
    Some(result) => {
      println!("Search returned a path: {:?}", result);
      println!("The returned path cost: {}", g.cost_of_path(&result));


This project is licensed under the MIT license, a copy of which can be found in the LICENCE file.