graphplan 0.1.3

Implementation of the Graphplan planning algorithm from Avrim L. Blum and Merrick L. Furst in Rust


Implementation of the Graphplan planning algorithm and Plangraph data structure written in Rust.

Original paper: Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis by Avrim L. Blum and Merrick L. Furst


You can load a domain from a toml file (see the resources/example.toml directory for expected format) and instantiate a GraphPlan.


#[macro_use] extern crate graphplan;
use graphplan::GraphPlan;
use graphplan::solver::SimpleSolver;
use graphplan::plangraph::PlanGraph;

fn main() -> () {
    let path = String::from("resources/rocket_domain.toml");
    let mut pg: GraphPlan<SimpleSolver> = GraphPlan::from_toml(path);
    println!("Result: {:?}", PlanGraph::format_plan(;

The lower level API allows you to constructing your own problem domain programmatically. You can also implement your own solver by implementing the GraphPlanSolver trait.


#[macro_use] extern crate graphplan;
use graphplan::GraphPlan;
use graphplan::proposition::Proposition;
use graphplan::action::Action;
use graphplan::solver::SimpleSolver;

fn main() -> () {
    let p1 = Proposition::from_str("tired");
    let not_p1 = p1.negate();

    let p2 = Proposition::from_str("dog needs to pee");
    let not_p2 = p2.negate();

    let p3 = Proposition::from_str("caffeinated");

    let a1 = Action::new(
        hashset!{&p3, &not_p1}

    let a2 = Action::new(
        String::from("walk dog"),
        hashset!{&p2, &p3},

    let mut pg = GraphPlan::new(
        hashset!{&p1, &p2},
        hashset!{&not_p1, &not_p2, &p3},
        hashset!{&a1, &a2},
    println!("Result: {:?}", PlanGraph::format_plan(;

Running benchmarks

Benchmarks using criterion can be found in the benches directory. To run them:

cargo bench
open target/criterion/report/index.html


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