Crate grammers_tl_types

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This library contains the Rust definitions for Telegram’s types and functions in the form of struct and enum. All of them implement Serializable, and by default only types implement Deserializable.

If you’re here because you want to invoke the “raw API” methods Telegram has to offer, use the search or read through the available functions to find out what “parameters” such remote call needs. Then, create an instance of it and pass it to some higher level library that can talk with Telegram’s servers.

To preserve compatibility with older applications, the API has a concept of “layers”, where new layers can change, remove or add new definitions. The LAYER constant indicates which of the many layers was used to generate the definitions present in this version of this crate.


The primary purpose is using these definitions to create requests (known as functions) which can be serialized and sent to Telegram. Note that this crate has no way to “invoke” any of these requests, this is to be done by a higher-level crate.

All of the requests implement RemoteCall. This trait’s associated type indicates what type the response from Telegram will be when invoked.

After opening one of the many types, you can inspect their fields to figure out what data Telegram will return.


The default feature set is intended to make the use of the library comfortable, and not intended to be minimal in code size. If you need a smaller library or are concerned about build-times, consider disabling some of the default features.

The default feature set includes:

  • impl-debug.
  • impl-from-enum.
  • impl-from-type.
  • tl-api.

The available features are:

  • deserializable-functions: implements Deserializable for functions. This might be of interest for server implementations, which need to deserialize the client’s requests, but is otherwise not required.

  • impl-debug: implements Debug for the generated code.

  • impl-from-enum: implements TryFrom<Enum> for Type.

  • impl-from-type: implements From<Type> for Enum.

  • tl-api: generates code for the This is what high-level libraries often need.

  • tl-mtproto: generates code for the Only useful for low-level libraries.




  • This struct represents an unparsed blob, which should not be deserialized as a bytes string. Used by functions returning generic objects which pass the underlying result without any modification or interpretation.
  • This struct represents the concrete type of a vector, that is, vector as opposed to the type Vector. This bare type is less common, so instead of creating a enum for Vector wrapping vector as Rust’s Vec (as we would do with auto-generated code), a new-type for vector is used instead.


  • The schema layer from which the definitions were generated.


  • Anything implementing this trait is identifiable by both ends (client-server) when performing Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) and transmission of objects.
  • Structures implementing this trait indicate that they are suitable for use to perform Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), and know what the type of the response will be.


  • Return the name from the .tl definition corresponding to the provided definition identifier.