[][src]Crate grammers_client

This library is a high-level implementation to access Telegram's API, which essentially lets you automate everything you can do with official Telegram clients and more from Rust, or even control bot accounts, making it a viable alternative to using the Telegram Bot API.

In order to create an application with the library for people to use, you will need to obtain a developer API ID first. You can embed it as a constant in your binary and ship that to users (anyone can login, including yourself and bots, with the developer API ID; they do not need to provide their own API ID).

Once that's ready, connect a new Client and start making API calls. You may also want to import some extension traits to make the experience less bitter.



Extension traits to make dealing with Telegram types more pleasant.


Custom types extending those provided by Telegram.



A client capable of connecting to Telegram and invoking requests.


Configuration required to create a Client instance.



This error occurs when the process to generate an authorization key fails.


This error occurs when a Remote Procedure call was unsuccessful.


The error type which is returned when signing in fails.