Module google_mybusiness4::api[][src]


Request message for AccessControl.AcceptInvitation.

An account is a container for your business’s locations. If you are the only user who manages locations for your business, you can use your personal Google Account. To share management of locations with multiple users, [create a business account] (

Invites the specified user to become an administrator for the specified account. The invitee must accept the invitation in order to be granted access to the account. See AcceptInvitation to programmatically accept an invitation.

Removes the specified admin from the specified account.

Lists the admins for the specified account.

Updates the Admin for the specified Account Admin. Only the AdminRole of the Admin can be updated.

Creates an account with the specified name and type under the given parent.

Clears the pubsub notification settings for the account.

Generates an account number for this account. The account number is not provisioned when an account is created. Use this request to create an account number when it is required.

Gets the specified account. Returns NOT_FOUND if the account does not exist or if the caller does not have access rights to it.

Returns the pubsub notification settings for the account.

Accepts the specified invitation.

Declines the specified invitation.

Lists pending invitations for the specified account.

Lists all of the accounts for the authenticated user. This includes all accounts that the user owns, as well as any accounts for which the user has management rights.

List all the GoogleLocations that have been recommended to the specified GMB account. Recommendations are provided for personal accounts and location groups only, requests for all other account types will result in an error. The recommendations for location groups are based on the locations in that group.

Invites the specified user to become an administrator for the specified location. The invitee must accept the invitation in order to be granted access to the location. See AcceptInvitation to programmatically accept an invitation.

Removes the specified admin as a manager of the specified location.

Lists all of the admins for the specified location.

Updates the Admin for the specified Location Admin. Only the AdminRole of the Admin can be updated.

Associates a location to a place ID. Any previous association is overwritten. This operation is only valid if the location is unverified. The association must be valid, that is, it appears in the list of FindMatchingLocations.

Gets all of the specified locations in the given account.

Returns the paginated list of reviews for all specified locations. This operation is only valid if the specified locations are verified.

Clears an association between a location and its place ID. This operation is only valid if the location is unverified.

Creates a new location owned by the specified account, and returns it.

Deletes a location.

Reports all eligible verification options for a location in a specific language.

Finds all of the possible locations that are a match to the specified location. This operation is only valid if the location is unverified.

Get the followers settings for a location.

Gets the specified location. Returns NOT_FOUND if the location does not exist.

Gets the Google-updated version of the specified location. Returns NOT_FOUND if the location does not exist.

Lists the locations for the specified account.

Creates a new local post associated with the specified location, and returns it.

Deletes a local post. Returns NOT_FOUND if the local post does not exist.

Gets the specified local post. Returns NOT_FOUND if the local post does not exist.

Returns a list of local posts associated with a location.

Updates the specified local post and returns the updated local post.

Returns insights for a set of local posts associated with a single listing. Which metrics and how they are reported are options specified in the request proto.

Creates a new media item for the location.

Returns metadata for the requested customer media item.

Returns a list of media items associated with a location that have been contributed by customers.

Deletes the specified media item.

Returns metadata for the requested media item.

Returns a list of media items associated with a location.

Updates metadata of the specified media item. This can only be used to update the Category of a media item, with the exception that the new category cannot be COVER or PROFILE.

Generates a MediaItemDataRef for media item uploading.

Updates the specified location.

Deletes the answer written by the current user to a question.

Returns the paginated list of answers for a specified question.

Creates an answer or updates the existing answer written by the user for the specified question. A user can only create one answer per question.

Adds a question for the specified location.

Deletes a specific question written by the current user.

Returns the paginated list of questions and some of its answers for a specified location.

Updates a specific question written by the current user.

Returns a report containing insights on one or more metrics by location.

Deletes the response to the specified review. This operation is only valid if the specified location is verified.

Returns the specified review. This operation is only valid if the specified location is verified. Returns NOT_FOUND if the review does not exist, or has been deleted.

Returns the paginated list of reviews for the specified location. This operation is only valid if the specified location is verified.

Updates the reply to the specified review. A reply is created if one does not exist. This operation is only valid if the specified location is verified.

Moves a location from an account that the user owns to another account that the same user administers. The user must be an owner of the account the location is currently associated with and must also be at least a manager of the destination account. Returns the Location with its new resource name.

Completes a PENDING verification.

List verifications of a location, ordered by create time.

Starts the verification process for a location.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on account resources. It is not used directly, but through the MyBusiness hub.

Indicates status of the account, such as whether the account has been verified by Google.

Updates the specified business account. Personal accounts cannot be updated using this method.

Sets the pubsub notification settings for the account informing My Business which topic to send pubsub notifications for:

Additional information that is surfaced in AdWords.

Input for ADDRESS verification.

Display data for verifications through postcard.

An administrator of an Account or a Location.

Represents an answer to a question

Request message for Locations.AssociateLocationRequest.

A location attribute. Attributes provide additional information about a location. The attributes that can be set on a location may vary based on the properties of that location (for example, category). Available attributes are determined by Google and may be added and removed without API changes.

Returns the list of available attributes that would be available for a location with the given primary category and country.

Metadata for an attribute. Contains display information for the attribute, including a localized name and a heading for grouping related attributes together.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on attribute resources. It is not used directly, but through the MyBusiness hub.

Metadata for supported attribute values.

Attribution information for customer media items, such as the contributor’s name and profile picture.

Represents the author of a question or answer

A request for basic metric insights.

Request message for Locations.BatchGetLocations.

Response message for Locations.BatchGetLocations.

Request message for Reviews.BatchGetReviews.

Response message for Reviews.BatchGetReviews.

Represents the time periods that this location is open for business. Holds a collection of TimePeriod instances.

An action that is performed when the user clicks through the post

A category describing what this business is (not what it does). For a list of valid category IDs, and the mappings to their human-readable names, see categories.list.

Returns a list of business categories. Search will match the category name but not the category ID.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on category resources. It is not used directly, but through the MyBusiness hub.

A chain is a brand that your business’s locations can be affiliated with.

Gets the specified chain. Returns NOT_FOUND if the chain does not exist.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on chain resources. It is not used directly, but through the MyBusiness hub.

Name to be used when displaying the chain.

Searches the chain based on chain name.

Url to be used when displaying the chain.

Request message for Locations.ClearLocationAssociationRequest.

Request message for Verifications.CompleteVerificationAction.

Response message for Verifications.CompleteVerificationAction.

Represents a whole or partial calendar date, e.g. a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date is relative to the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar. This can represent:

Request message for AccessControl.DeclineInvitation.

A value for a single metric with a given time dimension.

Dimensions of the media item.

A request for driving direction insights.

Information about the location that this location duplicates.

Input for EMAIL verification.

Display data for verifications through email.

A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance:

Request message for Verifications.FetchVerificationOptions.

Response message for Verifications.FetchVerificationOptions.

Request message for Locations.FindMatchingLocations.

Response message for Locations.FindMatchingLocations.

Follower metadata for a location.

Request message for Accounts.GenerateAccountNumber.

Request message for Verifications.GenerateVerificationToken.

Response message for Verifications.GenerateVerificationToken.

Represents a Location that is present on Google. This can be a location that has been claimed by the user, someone else, or could be unclaimed.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on googleLocation resources. It is not used directly, but through the MyBusiness hub.

Report a GoogleLocation.

Search all of the possible locations that are a match to the specified request.

Represents a location that was modified by Google.

Output only. Represents a pending invitation.

A single list item. Each variation of an item in the price list should have its own Item with its own price data.

Label to be used when displaying the price list, section, or item.

An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges.

Response message for AccessControl.ListAccountAdmins.

Response message for Accounts.ListAccounts.

Response message for QuestionsAndAnswers.ListAnswers

Response message for Locations.ListAttributeMetadata.

There is no detailed description.

Response message for Media.ListCustomerMediaItems.

Response message for AccessControl.ListInvitations.

Response message for ListLocalPosts

Response message for AccessControl.ListLocationAdmins.

Response message for Locations.ListLocations.

Response message for Media.ListMediaItems.

Response message for QuestionsAndAnswers.ListQuestions

Response message for GoogleLocations.ListRecommendedGoogleLocations.

Response message for Reviews.ListReviews.

Response message for Verifications.ListVerifications.

Represents a local post for a location.

All the information pertaining to an event featured in a local post.

All the metrics requested for a Local Post.

Specific fields for offer posts.

A location. See the [help center article] ( for a detailed description of these fields, or the category endpoint for a list of valid business categories.

How the media item is associated with its location.

A location indexed with the regions that people usually come from. This is captured by counting how many driving-direction requests to this location are from each region.

Alternate/surrogate key references for a location.

A series of Metrics and BreakdownMetrics associated with a Location over some time range.

Represents a review with location information.

Contains a set of booleans that reflect the state of a Location.

Represents a possible match to a location.

Insights and statistics for the media item.

A single media item.

Reference to the photo binary data of a MediaItem uploaded through the My Business API.

Additional non-user-editable information about the location.

A request to return values for one metric and the options for how those values should be returned.

A value for a single Metric from a starting time.

Represents an amount of money with its currency type.

Central instance to access all MyBusiness related resource activities

A Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic where notifications can be published when a location is updated or has a new review. There will be only one notification settings resource per-account.

Information related to the opening state of the business.

Additional Info stored for an organization.

Input for PHONE_CALL/SMS verification.

Display Data for verifications through phone, e.g. phone call, sms.

Defines an area that’s represented by a place ID.

Defines the union of areas represented by a set of places.

A radius around a particular point (latitude/longitude).

Represents a postal address, e.g. for postal delivery or payments addresses. Given a postal address, a postal service can deliver items to a premise, P.O. Box or similar. It is not intended to model geographical locations (roads, towns, mountains).

A list of item price information. Price lists are structured as one or more price lists, each containing one or more sections with one or more items. For example, food price lists may represent breakfast/lunch/dinner menus, with sections for burgers/steak/seafood.

All information pertaining to the location’s profile.

Represents a single question and some of its answers.

A region with its associated request count.

Information of all parent and children locations related to this one.

Values for an attribute with a value_type of REPEATED_ENUM. This consists of two lists of value IDs: those that are set (true) and those that are unset (false). Values absent are considered unknown. At least one value must be specified.

Request message for reporting a GoogleLocation.

Request message for Insights.ReportLocalPostInsights

Response message for Insights.ReportLocalPostInsights

Request message for Insights.ReportLocationInsights.

Response message for Insights.ReportLocationInsights.

Output only. Represents a review for a location.

Represents the location owner/manager’s reply to a review.

Represents the author of the review.

Response message for Locations.SearchChains.

Request message for GoogleLocations.SearchGoogleLocations.

Response message for GoogleLocations.SearchGoogleLocations.

A section of the price list containing one or more items.

Service area businesses provide their service at the customer’s location (for example, a locksmith or plumber).

Additional data for service business verification.

Represents a single time period when a location’s operational hours differ from its normal business hours. A special hour period must represent a range of less than 24 hours. The open_time and start_date must predate the close_time and end_date. The close_time and end_date can extend to 11:59 a.m. on the day after the specified start_date. For example, the following inputs are valid:

Represents a set of time periods when a location’s operational hours differ from its normal business hours.

Request message for Media.StartUploadMediaItemData.

Represents a target location for a pending invitation.

The dimension for which data is divided over.

An interval of time, inclusive. It must contain all fields to be valid.

Represents a time of day. The date and time zone are either not significant or are specified elsewhere. An API may choose to allow leap seconds. Related types are google.type.Date and google.protobuf.Timestamp.

Represents a span of time that the business is open, starting on the specified open day/time and closing on the specified close day/time. The closing time must occur after the opening time, for example later in the same day, or on a subsequent day.

A range of time. Data will be pulled over the range as a half-open inverval (that is, [start_time, end_time)).

Top regions where driving-direction requests originated from.

Request message for Locations.TransferLocation.

Request message for QuestionsAndAnswers.UpsertAnswer

Values for an attribute with a value_type of URL.

A verification represents a verification attempt on a location.

The verification option represents how to verify the location (indicated by verification method) and where the verification will be sent to (indicated by display data).

Token generated by a vetted partner.

Generates a token for the provided location data as a vetted partner.

A builder providing access to all methods supported on verificationToken resources. It is not used directly, but through the MyBusiness hub.

Request message for Verifications.VerifyLocation.

Response message for Verifications.VerifyLocation.

Input for VETTED_PARTNER verification.