initSidebarItems({"constant":[["COLOR","Default Gnuplot palette"],["GRAY","A gray palette"],["HELIX","A nice default for a cube helix"],["HOT","A black body palette"],["RAINBOW","Classic rainbow palette with terrible perceptual properties"]],"enum":[["AlignType","An enumeration of possible text and label alignments"],["ArrowheadType","An enumeration of possible arrow head styles"],["AutoOption","An enumeration of something that can either be fixed (e.g. the maximum of X values), or automatically determined"],["BorderLocation2D","Plot border locations"],["ContourStyle","Specifies how the contours are drawn"],["Coordinate","Specifies how to interpret the coordinate passed to a plotting command"],["DashType","An enumeration of possible dash styles"],["FillRegionType","An enumeration of possible fill regions"],["LabelOption","An enumeration of label options that control label attributes"],["LegendOption","Legend options"],["PaletteType","Specifies what sort of palette to use"],["PlotOption","An enumeration of plot options you can supply to plotting commands, governing things like line width, color and others"],["Tick","Specifies a type of axis tick"],["TickOption","An enumeration of axis tick options"]],"struct":[["Axes2D","2D axes that is used for drawing 2D plots"],["Axes3D","3D axes that is used for drawing 3D plots"],["Figure","A figure that may contain multiple axes"]],"trait":[["AxesCommon",""],["DataType",""]]});