Crate glutin

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The purpose of this library is to provide an OpenGL context on as many platforms as possible.

Building a window

There are two ways to create a window:

  • Calling Window::new().
  • Calling let builder = WindowBuilder::new() then

The first way is the simpliest way and will give you default values.

The second way allows you to customize the way your window and GL context will look and behave.


This crate has two Cargo features: window and headless.

  • window allows you to create regular windows and enables the WindowBuilder object.
  • headless allows you to do headless rendering, and enables the HeadlessRendererBuilder object.

By default only window is enabled.


  • Contains traits with platform-specific methods in them.




  • The minimum core profile GL context. Useful for getting the minimum required GL version while still running on OSX, which often forbids the compatibility profile features.


  • Trait that describes objects that have access to an OpenGL context.


Type Definitions