Module gluster::volume

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A Gluster Brick consists of a Peer and a path to the mount point
A volume is a logical collection of bricks. Most of the gluster management operations happen on the volume.


An enum to select the transport method Gluster should use for the Volume
These are all the different Volume types that are possible in Gluster Note: Tier is not represented here because I’m waiting for it to become more stable For more information about these types see: [Gluster Volume] (https://gluster.readthedocs. org/en/latest/Administrator%20Guide/Setting%20Up%20Volumes/)


Returns a u64 representing the bytes used on the volume. Note: This uses my brand new RPC library. Some bugs may exist so use caution. This does not shell out and therefore should be significantly faster. It also suffers far less hang conditions than the CLI version.
Based on the replicas or erasure bits that are still available in the volume this will return True or False as to whether you can remove a Brick. This should be called before volume_remove_brick()
Return a list of quotas on the volume if any
This adds a new brick to the volume
Adds a size quota to the volume and path.
The arbiter volume is special subset of replica volumes that is aimed at preventing split-brains and providing the same consistency guarantees as a normal replica 3 volume without consuming 3x space.
This creates a new distributed volume
This creates a new erasure coded volume
This creates a new replicated volume
This creates a new striped volume
This creates a new striped and replicated volume
This deletes a stopped volume
Disable bitrot detection and remediation on the volume
Disable quotas on the volume
Enable bitrot detection and remediation on the volume
Enable quotas on the volume
Returns a Volume with all available information on the volume
Lists all available volume names.
Check if quotas are already enabled on a volume
This function doesn’t do anything yet. It is a place holder because volume_rebalance is a long running command and I haven’t decided how to poll for completion yet
This will remove a brick from the volume
Removes a size quota to the volume and path.
Set a bitrot option on the volume
Set an option on the volume
Once a volume is created it needs to be started. This starts the volume
Query the status of the volume given.
This stops a running volume