gltfgen 0.3.0

glTF 2.0 scene generator from mesh sequences
gltfgen-0.3.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: gltfgen-0.8.0


A command line time to generate glTF 2.0 animations from a numbered sequence of mesh files.


The following example assumes that there is a sequence of meshes located at ./meshes/animation_#.vtk where # represents the frame number. To generate an animated binary glTF file named output.glb in the current directory, run:

> gltfgen output.glb "./meshes/animation_#.vtk"

This will assume a time step of 1 second between frames. To specify a time step like 0.01 seconds between frames, use

> gltfgen -t 0.01 output.glb "./meshes/animation_#.vtk"

Alternatively, you may produce the same result by specifying the number of frames per second (FPS) using

> gltfgen -f 100 output.glb "./meshes/animation_#.vtk"


> gltfgen [OPTIONS] <output> <pattern>

  • <output> Output glTF file

  • <pattern> A glob pattern matching files to be included in the generated glTF document. Use # to match a frame number. Use '{' and '}' to select parts of the pattern to be used to name meshes in the output glTF.

Run gltfgen -h to get more details.


Input types:

  • Unstructured Legacy VTK polygon and tetrahedral meshes in double or float format. Tetrahedral VTK meshes are converted to triangle meshes on the fly.

Output types:

  • glTF 2.0 in binary format.


This repository is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.


See for details.