globals 0.0.3

Painless but very unsafe global variables in Rust

Globals 🌎🔥⚠️

Painless globals in Rust for people who don't mind being totally unsafe about it. Library writers (especially in web assembly) are many times forced to write global data because they don't have a single point of entry. This library will never be multi-thread safe (there are much better alternatives for multithreaded), but that may not be a problem given your use case.

use at your own risk of undefined behavior ☠

globals = "0.0.2"

add something into global state

let f = Foo{}
let handle = unsafe { globals::add(foo) };

get something from global state

let f = unsafe { globals::get(handle) };
let f = unsafe { globals::get_mut(handle) };

remove something from global state

let f = unsafe { globals::remove(handle) };

get all things of a certain type

let fs = unsafe { globals::get_all::<Foo>() };
for f in fs.iter() {

get a singleton of a type

Type must implement Default

struct Foo {}

let f = unsafe { globals::singleton::<Foo>() };
let f = unsafe { globals::singleton_mut::<Foo>() };