gimli 0.6.0

A zero-copy DWARF debugging format parser.


Build Status

A lazy, zero-copy parser for the DWARF debugging format.

  • Zero copy: everything is just a reference to the original input buffer. No copies of the input data get made.

  • Lazy: you can iterate compilation units without parsing their contents. Parse only as many debugging information entry (DIE) trees as you iterate over. gimli also uses DW_AT_sibling references to avoid parsing a DIE's children to find its next sibling, when possible.

  • Bring your own object file loader: gimli makes no assumptions about what kind of object file you're working with. The flipside to that is that it's up to you to provide an ELF loader on Linux or Mach-O loader on OSX.



$ cargo add gimli

or add this to your Cargo.toml:

gimli = "0.6.0"



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