initSidebarItems({"enum":[["AbbreviationHasChildren","Whether an abbreviation's type has children or not, aka `DW_CHILDREN_{yes,no}` in the standard."],["AbbreviationTag","Abbreviation tag types, aka `DW_TAG_whatever` in the standard."],["AttributeForm","The type and encoding of an attribute, aka `DW_FORM_whatever` in the standard."],["AttributeName","The set of possible attribute names, aka `DW_AT_whatever` in the standard."]],"mod":[["parser","Functions for parsing DWARF debugging information."]],"struct":[["Abbreviation","An abbreviation describes the shape of a DIE type: its code, tag type, whether it has children, and its set of attributes."],["Abbreviations","A set of type abbreviations."],["AttributeSpecification","The description of an attribute in an abbreviated type. It is a pair of name and form."]]});