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WIP implementation of Facebook's gorilla database in rust

This is an incomplete implementation of the memory format of Facebook's Gorilla database in Rust, as described in Gorilla: A Fast, Scalable, In-Memory Time Series Database.

Implementation details

The Gorilla Paper leaves some details out:

  • The number of significant bits when compressing doubles are stored in a 6 bits, giving a max value of 63. The key thing to notice is that only 63 values are actually needed: 1 through 64. I solve this by storing M - 1, where M is the number of significant bits ([MEANING64] in code). Another implementation stores it by storing M & 63 and resolving it at read time. Either solution is fine. The former optimizes for read speed and the latter for write speed.
  • The number of leading zeros is stored in 5 bits, which gives a maximum of 31 leading zeros. There is nothing preventing significant bits from having leading zeros, though, so we just use 31 if it's 31 or higher. ([LEADING31] in code)
  • Leading number in previous XOR. Are we storing that or the XOR itself? If the former, the window will keep the same if we reuse it, if not it might shrink as new data comes in. Unsure about the best solution. ([XORORLEADING] in code)

Further work

  • Measure and optimize performance
  • Include the timestamp compressor
  • Resolve open questions in Implementation details
  • Implement the rest of the paper
  • Investigate whether Rust's Write and Read traits could be used instead of hand rolled traits