ghakuf 0.3.0

A Rust library for parsing/building SMF (Standard MIDI File).


A Rust library for parsing/building SMF (Standard MIDI File).

Build Status Build status


ghakuf has parse module and build module separatory.


ghakuf's parser is made by Event-driven online algorithm. You must prepare original handler implementing Handler trait to catch SMF messages. Any number of handlers you can add for parser if you want.

use ghakuf::formats::*;
use ghakuf::messages::*;
use ghakuf::reader::handler::*;
use ghakuf::reader::reader::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;

let mut reader = Reader::new(
    Box::new(HogeHandler {}),

struct HogeHandler {}
impl Handler for HogeHandler {
    fn header(&mut self, format: Format, track: u16, time_base: u16) {
      // Something
    fn meta_event(&mut self, delta_time: u32, event: &MetaEvent, data: &Vec<u8>) {
      // you
    fn midi_event(&mut self, delta_time: u32, event: &MidiEvent) {
      // want
    fn sys_ex_event(&mut self, delta_time: u32, event: &SysExEvent, data: &Vec<u8>) {
      // to
    fn track_change(&mut self) {
      // do


ghakuf build SMF by Message enums. Message enum consists of MetaEvent, MidiEvent, SysExEvent, and TrackChange. You can use running status if you want. At track change, you should use not only MetaEvent::EndOfTrack message, but also TrackChange message.

use ghakuf::formats::*;
use ghakuf::messages::*;
use ghakuf::writer::writer::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;

let mut writer = Writer::new();
let tempo: u32 = 60 * 1000000 / 102; //bpm:102
writer.push(Message::MetaEvent {
    delta_time: VLQ::new(0),
    event: MetaEvent::SetTempo,
    data: [(tempo >> 16) as u8, (tempo >> 8) as u8, tempo as u8].to_vec(),
writer.push(Message::MetaEvent {
    delta_time: VLQ::new(0),
    event: MetaEvent::EndOfTrack,
    data: Vec::new(),
writer.push(Message::MidiEvent {
    delta_time: VLQ::new(0),
    event: MidiEvent::NoteOn { ch: 0, note: 0x3c, velocity: 0x7f },
writer.push(Message::MidiEvent {
    delta_time: VLQ::new(192),
    event: MidiEvent::NoteOn { ch: 0, note: 0x40, velocity: 0 },
writer.push(Message::MetaEvent {
    delta_time: VLQ::new(0),
    event: MetaEvent::EndOfTrack,
    data: Vec::new(),

Supported SMF Event

You can use three type events. In Message enum, these events have delta time and data.

Meta Event

  • SequenceNumber
  • TextEvent
  • CopyrightNotice
  • SequenceOrTrackName
  • InstrumentName
  • Lyric
  • Marker
  • CuePoint
  • MIDIChannelPrefix
  • EndOfTrack
  • SetTempo
  • SMTPEOffset
  • TimeSignature
  • KeySignature
  • SequencerSpecificMetaEvent

MIDI Event

  • NoteOff { ch: u8, note: u8, velocity: u8 }
  • NoteOn { ch: u8, note: u8, velocity: u8 }
  • PolyphonicKeyPressure { ch: u8, note: u8, velocity: u8 }
  • ControlChange { ch: u8, control: u8, data: u8 }
  • ProgramChange { ch: u8, program: u8 }
  • ChannelPressure { ch: u8, pressure: u8 }
  • PitchBendChange { ch: u8, data: i16 }

System Exclusive Event

  • (F0 event)
  • (F7 event)


ghakuf is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), with portions covered by various BSD-like licenses.

See LICENSE-APACHE, and LICENSE-MIT for details.