initSidebarItems({"struct":[["ConstantBuffer","Constant buffer component. - init: `&str` = name of the buffer - data: `BufferHandle`"],["Element","A struct element descriptor."],["Global","Global (uniform) constant component. Describes a free-standing value passed into the shader, which is not enclosed into any constant buffer. Deprecated in DX10 and higher. - init: `&str` = name of the constant - data: `T` = value"],["VertexBufferCommon","Service struct to simplify the implementations of `VertexBuffer` and `InstanceBuffer`."]],"trait":[["Structure","A trait to be implemented by any struct having the layout described in the graphics API, like a vertex buffer."]],"type":[["ElemOffset",""],["ElemStride",""],["InstanceBuffer","Instance buffer component. Same as the vertex buffer but advances per instance."],["VertexBuffer","Vertex buffer component. Advanced per vertex. - init: `()` - data: `BufferHandle`"]]});