initSidebarItems({"struct":[["ColorInfo","Color output configuration of the PSO."],["ConstantBufferParam","A constant buffer run-time parameter for PSO."],["CreationError","Error types happening upon PSO creation on the device side."],["DepthStencilInfo","Depth and stencil state of the PSO."],["Descriptor","All the information surrounding a shader program that is required for PSO creation, including the formats of vertex buffers and pixel targets;"],["Element","A struct element descriptor."],["PixelTargetSet","A complete set of render targets to be used for pixel export in PSO."],["ResourceViewParam","A shader resource view (SRV) run-time parameter for PSO."],["SamplerParam","A sampler run-time parameter for PSO."],["UnorderedViewParam","An unordered access view (UAV) run-time parameter for PSO."],["VertexBufferSet","A complete set of vertex buffers to be used for vertex import in PSO."]],"type":[["AttributeDesc",""],["BufferOffset",""],["ColorTargetDesc",""],["DepthStencilDesc",""],["ElemOffset",""],["ElemStride",""],["InstanceRate",""]]});