Macro generate::generator[][src]

generator!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

A procedural macro that may be used to produce a generator type.

The produced value will be an opaque implementation of generate::Generator<R>. R, Generator::Yield and Generator::Return will all be automatically inferred by the compiler. Note that this behaviour is slightly different than a normal nightly-compiled generator.

Differences compared to nightly

The key difference is that nightly generators will always implement Generator<()> whereas this crate is able to implement Generator<R> for any R. The following two rules are used to resolve an appropriate R to implement for:

  • If yield is only ever used in statement position within the body of the generator, then R will be ().
  • Otherwise, if yield is used in expression position, then let the rust compiler automatically infer the appropriate type for R.

In the latter case, when the rust compiler cannot infer an appropriate type for R, then the following error is produced (as of rustc 1.49.0):

error[E0698]: type inside `async` block must be known in this context
  --> generate-test/src/
76 | /     generator! {
77 | |         let val = yield;
78 | |     };
   | |______^ cannot infer type for type parameter `R` declared on the function `yield_future`

This is because the internal implementation of this macro takes advantage of the state machine transform performed by the compiler within an async block in order to build the generator.

The following error occurs when the compiler cannot infer an appropriate type for Generator::Yield:

error[E0282]: type annotations needed
  --> generate-test/src/
76 | /     generator! {
77 | |         ()
78 | |     };
   | |______^ consider giving this closure parameter a type