[][src]Macro genco_macros::quote_in

quote_in!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Same as quote!, except that it allows for quoting directly to a token stream.

You specify the destination stream as the first argument, followed by a => and then the code to generate. To avoid taking ownership of the parameter argument you can use the syntax &mut *<ident>. This can prevent borrowing issues you encounter (see the Borrowing section below).

For example: quote_in! { &mut *tokens => fn foo() { } }.

Note that there is a potential issue with reborrowing


In case you get a borrow issue like the following:

9  |   let tokens = &mut tokens;
   |       ------ help: consider changing this to be mutable: `mut tokens`
12 | /     quote_in! { tokens =>
13 | |         fn #name() -> u32 {
14 | |             #{tokens => {
15 | |                 tokens.append("42");
16 | |             }}
17 | |         }
18 | |     }
   | |_____^ cannot borrow as mutable

This is because inner scoped like #{tokens => { <block> }} take ownership of their variable by default. To have it perform a proper reborrow, you can do the following instead:

use genco::prelude::*;

let mut tokens = Tokens::<Rust>::new();
let tokens = &mut tokens;

for name in &["foo", "bar", "baz"] {
    quote_in! { &mut *tokens =>
        fn #(*name)() -> u32 {
            #{tokens => {


use genco::prelude::*;

let mut tokens = Tokens::<Rust>::new();

quote_in! { tokens =>
    fn foo() -> u32 {



use genco::{quote_in, Rust, Tokens};

let mut tokens = Tokens::<Rust>::new();

quote_in!(tokens => fn hello() -> u32 { 42 });

assert_eq!(vec!["fn hello() -> u32 { 42 }", ""], tokens.to_file_vec().unwrap());