gcsf 0.1.7

Filesystem based on Google Drive

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GCSF is a virtual filesystem that allows users to mount their Google Drive account locally and interact with it as a regular disk partition. You can find out more in this paper.


Make sure you have the fuse library installed (for macOS users: osxfuse; on Ubuntu, the libfuse-dev package). GCSF requires the stable branch of the Rust programming language, which can be installed following the instructions on rustup.rs.

Afterwards, you can simply run:

$ cargo install gcsf

This will generate the gcsf binary in $HOME/.cargo/bin. Make sure that this directory is in your PATH variable: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin

Alternatively, you can download a release binary for your platform.


GCSF will attempt to create a configuration file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gcsf/gcsf.toml, which is usually defined as $HOME/.config/gcsf/gcsf.toml.


$ gcsf mount /mnt/gcsf
Please direct your browser to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/[...] and follow the instructions displayed there.

You can now find the contents of your Drive account in /mnt/gcsf:

Using Ranger:

Or Thunar:


Contributions are welcome. You can also help by reporting or fixing bugs.