var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["gcc"] = {"doc":"A library for build scripts to compile custom C code","items":[[3,"Config","gcc","Extra configuration to pass to gcc.",null,null],[5,"compile_library","","Compile a library from the given set of input C files.",null,null],[11,"new","","Construct a new instance of a blank set of configuration.",0,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"config"}}],[11,"include","","Add a directory to the `-I` or include path for headers",0,null],[11,"define","","Specify a `-D` variable with an optional value.",0,null],[11,"object","","Add an arbitrary object file to link in",0,null],[11,"flag","","Add an arbitrary flag to the invocation of the compiler",0,null],[11,"file","","Add a file which will be compiled",0,null],[11,"cpp","","Set C++ support",0,null],[11,"cpp_stdlib","","Set the standard library to use when compiling with C++ support.",0,null],[11,"compile","","Run the compiler, generating the file `output`",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"Config"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);