gcc 0.3.29

A build-time dependency for Cargo build scripts to assist in invoking the native C compiler to compile native C code into a static archive to be linked into Rust code.
Build #8312 2016-08-05T14:03:40.767203+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.12.0-nightly (54c0dcfd6 2016-07-28)
# docs.rs version
cratesfyi 0.2.0 (5dbd676 2016-07-30)

# build log
Updating registry `https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index`
Downloading gcc v0.3.29
Documenting gcc v0.3.29
Running `rustdoc .cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/gcc-0.3.29/src/lib.rs --crate-name gcc -o /home/cratesfyi/gcc-0.3.29/doc -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/gcc-0.3.29/debug -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/gcc-0.3.29/debug/deps`