[][src]Crate gauss_quad


gauss-quad is a Gaussian quadrature library for numerical integration.

Quadrature rules

gauss-quad implements the following quadrature rules:

  • Gauss-Legendre
  • Gauss-Jacobi
  • Gauss-Laguerre
  • Gauss-Hermite
  • Midpoint
  • Simpson

Using gauss-quad

First, add gauss-quad to your Cargo.toml:

gauss-quad = "0.1.4"

Then, you can use any of the quadrature rules in your project:

extern crate gauss_quad;
use gauss_quad::GaussLegendre;

fn main() {

    // initialize the quadrature rule
    let degree = 10;
    let quad = GaussLegendre::init(degree);

    // use the rule to integrate a function
    let left_bound = 0.0;
    let right_bound = 1.0;
    let integral = quad.integrate(left_bound, right_bound, |x| x * x);

Setting up a quadrature rule

Using a quadrature rule takes two steps:

  1. Initialization
  2. Integration

First, rules must be initialized using some specific input parameters.

Then, you can integrate functions using those rules:

let gauss_legendre = GaussLegendre::init(degree);
// Integrate on the domain [a,b]
let x_cubed = gauss_legendre.integrate(a, b, |x| x * x * x);

let gauss_jacobi = GaussJacobi::init(degree, alpha, beta);
// Integrate on the domain [c,d]
let double_x = gauss_jacobi.integrate(a, b, |x| 2.0 * x);

let gauss_laguerre = GaussLaguerre::init(degree, alpha);
// no explicit domain, Gauss-Laguerre integration is done on the domain (-∞, ∞).
let piecewise = gauss_laguerre.integrate(|x| if x > 0.0 && x < 2.0 { x } else { 0.0 });

let gauss_hermite = GaussHermite::init(degree);
// again, no explicit domain since integration is done over the domain (-∞, ∞).
let constant = gauss_hermite.integrate(|x| if x > -1.0 && x < 1.0 { 2.0 } else { 1.0 });

Specific quadrature rules

Different rules may take different parameters.

For example, the GaussLaguerre rule requires both a degree and an alpha parameter.

GaussLaguerre is also defined as an improper integral over the domain (-∞, ∞). This means no domain bounds are needed in the integrate call.

extern crate gauss_quad;
use gauss_quad::GaussLaguerre as quad_rule;

fn main() {

    // initialize the quadrature rule
    let degree = 10;
    let alpha = 0.5;
    let quad = quad_rule::init(degree, alpha);

    // use the rule to integrate a function
    let integral = quad.integrate(|x| x * x);

Panics and errors

Quadrature rules are only defined for a certain set of input values. For example, every rule is only defined for degrees where degree > 1.

This example panics
    let degree = 1;
    let quad = GaussLaguerre::init(degree, 0.1); // panics!

Specific rules may have other requirements. GaussJacobi for example, requires alpha and beta parameters larger than -1.0.

This example panics
    let degree = 10;
    let alpha = 0.1;
    let beta = -1.1;

    let quad = GaussJacobi::init(degree, alpha, beta); // panics!

Make sure to read the specific quadrature rule's documentation before using it.

Error handling is very simple: bad input values will cause the program to panic and abort with a short error message.

Passing functions to quadrature rules

The integrate method expects functions of the form Fn(f64) -> f64, i.e. functions of one parameter.

extern crate gauss_quad;
use gauss_quad::GaussLegendre;

fn main() {

    // initialize the quadrature rule
    let degree = 10;
    let quad = GaussLegendre::init(degree);

    // use the rule to integrate a function
    let left_bound = 0.0;
    let right_bound = 1.0;
    let integral = quad.integrate(left_bound, right_bound, |x| x * x);



Numerical integration using the midpoint rule.


Numerical integration using the Simpson rule.



A midpoint rule quadrature scheme.


A Simpson rule quadrature scheme.



Archimedes' constant (π)

Type Definitions
