galvanic-assert 0.5.1

A comprehensive set of matcher-based assertions for easier testing. Support for checking properties of numbers, objects, enum variants, collections, panics, and more. It is easy to write your own assertions. Part of the galvanic test framework. (in development) Can also be used with another test framework of your choice.

Galvanic-assert: Matcher-based assertions for easier testing

Build Status Documentation

This crate provides a new assertion macro assert_that! based on matching predicates (matchers) to

  • make writing asserts easier
  • make reading asserts comprehendable
  • easily extend the assertion framework
  • provide a large list common matchers
  • integrate with galvanic-test and galvanic-mock (both still in development ... stay tuned!)
  • be used with your favourite test framework

The crate will be part of galvanic---a complete test framework for Rust.

galvanic-assert currently requires nightly until impl trait returns have been stabilized.

The 2-minute tutorial

Each assertion has the form assert_that!(SOME_VALUE, MATCHES_SOMETHING);. To check if some value satisfies some matching predicate, e.g., less_than, contains_in_order, is_variant!, ...; we can write something like the following to when operating on a single value:

extern crate galvanic_assert;
use galvanic_assert::matchers::*;

fn expression_should_compute_correct_value {
    assert_that!(1+2, eq(3));
    // or more wordy ...
    assert_that!(1+2, is(eq(3)));

or assert properties of collections ...

use galvanic_assert::matchers::collection::*;
fn expression_should_compute_correct_value {
    /// check for containment
    assert_that!(vec![5,1,3,4,2], contains_in_any_order(vec![1,2,3,4,5]));
    // check for internal structure
    assert_that!(vec![4,3,2,1], sorted_descending());

or of variants ...

enum Variants {
    Second { x: i32, y: i32 },

fn should_be_the_correct_variant {
    let var = Second { x: 1, y: 2 };
    assert_that!(var, is_variant!(Variants::Second));

It is also possible to combine multiple matchers to create more expressive ones ...

fn expression_should_compute_correct_value {
    // invert the meaning of a matcher
    assert_that!(1+2, not(greater_than(3)));
    // join several matchers conjunctively
    assert_that!(1+2, all_of!(greater_than(0), less_than(5)));
    // join several matchers disjunctively
    assert_that!(1+2, any_of!(greater_than(5), less_than(5)));

If this is not enough you can write your own matchers, either as a closure ...

fn expression_should_compute_correct_value {
    assert_that!(1+2, |x| {
        let builder = MatchResultBuilder::for_("odd");
        if x % 2 == 1 { builder.matched() } else { builder.failed_because("result is not odd") }

or if it is easy enough, as an expression ...

fn expression_should_compute_correct_value {
    let val = 1 + 2;
    assert_that!(val % 2 == 1, otherwise "result is not odd");

If it is more complex implement the Matcher trait for some struct representing the state of the matcher.

Asserting positive things is good, but sometimes we expect that something goes horribly wrong ...

fn press_big_red_button() {
    panic!("shouldn't have done that ...");

fn someting_should_go_wrong {
    assert_that!(press_big_red_button(), panics);

... except when it doesn't.

fn press_faulty_red_button() {
    panic!("shouldn't have done that ...");

fn everything_is_fine {
    assert_that!(press_faulty_red_button(), does not panic);

Not much more to say---have a look at the documentation and the growing list of matchers.

And remember ... only tested code is happy code!


Contributions are very welcome! (Please read and agree with the license.)

The list of included matchers is far from complete. If you encounter a useful matcher please open an issue. Check before if there's already a boolean predicate on the type itself, e.g., like Option::is_none(). Those are already supported by the assertion macros and should only be included if the error message of the Matcher is substantially better than the default one. If something is missing or broken, please open an issue and send (if you want to) a pull request.

For pull requests be sure to include test cases to avoid regressions. Tests for Matchers should be added as integration tests as they test the integration with the assertion macros. Have a look at the existing ones!