future_pubsub 0.1.2

A tokio based publish-subscibe channel


MIT licensed Apache-2.0 licensed Crates.io

A tokio future based publish-subscribe channel.

For now, this crate provides

  • unsync unbounded channel

And does not provide

  • unsync bounded channel
  • sync unbounded channel
  • sync bounded channel

How to use

An usage is almost same with futures::unsync::mpsc::unbounded.

use future_pubsub::unsync::unbounded;

fn main() {
    let (tx, rx) = unbounded::<usize>();
    let rx2 = rx.clone();
    let mut rx = rx.wait();
    let mut rx2 = rx.wait();


    assert_eq!(rx.next().unwrap(), Ok(1));
    assert_eq!(rx2.next().unwrap(), Ok(1));