Module fuse_backend_rs::abi::linux_abi[][src]

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Linux Fuse Application Binary Interfaces. Linux Fuse Application Binary Interfaces, Version 7.31.




EntryOut flags Entry is a submount root

Kill suid and sgid if executable

Fsync flags

fuse_attr flags

The read buffer is required to be at least 8k, but may be much larger.

Minor version number of this interface.

Init reply size is FUSE_COMPAT_22_INIT_OUT_SIZE

Init reply size is FUSE_COMPAT_INIT_OUT_SIZE

Lookup negative dentry using inode number 0

Version number of this interface.

Request poll notify.

The ID of the inode corresponding to the root directory of the file system.

Delayed write from page cache, file handle is guessed.

kill suid and sgid bits

lock_owner field is valid.