Macro fungi_lang::fgi_vtype [] [src]

macro_rules! fgi_vtype {
    { fromast $ast:expr } => { ... };
    { ($($type:tt)+) } => { ... };
    { D } => { ... };
    { Bool } => { ... };
    { Nat } => { ... };
    { String } => { ... };
    { Seq } => { ... };
    { user($s:ident) } => { ... };
    { Unit } => { ... };
    { + $($sum:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { x $($prod:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { Ref[$($i:tt)+] $($t:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { Thk[$($i:tt)+] $($e:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { Nm[$($i:tt)+] } => { ... };
    { $a:tt [$($i:tt)+] } => { ... };
    { $a:tt [$($i:tt)+] $($more:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { (Nm->Nm)[$($m:tt)+] } => { ... };
    { forallt $x:ident : $k:tt. $($a:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { forallt ($x:ident) : $k:tt. $($a:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { forallt ($x:ident,$($xs:ident),+):$k:tt.$($a:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { foralli $x:ident : $g:tt. $($a:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { foralli ($x:ident) : $g:tt. $($a:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { foralli ($x:ident,$($xs:ident),+):$g:tt.$($a:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { rec $a:ident.$($body:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { exists $var:ident : $a:tt . $($b:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { exists ($var:ident) : $a:tt . $($b:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { exists $var:ident : $a:tt | $p:tt . $($b:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { exists ($var:ident) : $a:tt | $p:tt . $($b:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { exists ($($vars:ident),+) : $a:tt . $($b:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { exists ($var:ident,$($vars:ident),+) : $a:tt | $p:tt . $($b:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { $a:tt $b:tt } => { ... };
    { $a:tt $b:tt $($more:tt)+ } => { ... };
    { $a:ident } => { ... };
    { $($any:tt)* } => { ... };

Parser for value types

A,B ::=
    fromast ast     (inject ast nodes)
    (A)             (parens)
    D,Bool,Seq,...  (type constructors)
    user(type)      (user-defined)
    Unit            (unit)
    + A + B ...     (extended sums)
    x A x B ...     (extended product)
    Ref[i] A        (named ref cell)
    Thk[i] E        (named thunk with effects)
    Nm[i]           (name type)
    A[i]...         (extended application of type to index)
    (Nm->Nm)[M]     (name function type)
    forallt (a,b,...):K.A   (type parameter)
    foralli (a,b,...):g.A   (index parameter)
    rec a.A         (recursive type)
    exists (X,Y,...):g | P . A
                    (existential index variables, with common sort g)
    A B ...         (extended application of type constructor to type)
    a               (type var)