fs3ds 1.0.0

a library to access romfs of unencrypted .3ds files

A crate that allow you to access the romfs of an unencrypted romfs.

It contain the function get_romfs_vfs, that accept a File (or similar Read + Seek + some stuff) object, and return an object that implement vfs::VFS

It also contain some additional function that can be usefull while handling decrypted .3ds file.

This library should never crash, and always return an error.


use std::fs::File;
use fs3ds::get_romfs_vfs;
let file = File::open("rom.3ds").unwrap(); // get an access to an unencrypted romfs file
let _romfs_vfs = get_romfs_vfs(file).unwrap(); // get a vfs::VFS object to access the rom read only