Crate frunk [] [src]

Frunk: generic functional programming toolbelt for Rust

Aims to be a collection of functional programming abstractions implemented in Rust in effective, useful, and idiomatic ways. Examples of things that are included in rust are:

  1. HLists (heterogeneously-typed lists)
  2. Validated (accumulator for Result)
  3. Semigroup
  4. Monoid

Here is a small taste of what Frunk has to offer:

use frunk_core::hlist::*;
use frunk_core::generic::*;
use frunk_core::labelled::*;
use frunk::monoid::*;
use frunk::semigroup::*;
use frunk::validated::*;

// Combining Monoids
let v = vec![Some(1), Some(3)];
assert_eq!(combine_all(&v), Some(4));

// HLists
let h = hlist![1, "hi"];
assert_eq!(h.length(), 2);
let hlist_pat!(a, b) = h;
assert_eq!(a, 1);
assert_eq!(b, "hi");

let h1 = hlist![Some(1), 3.3, 53i64, "hello".to_owned()];
let h2 = hlist![Some(2), 1.2, 1i64, " world".to_owned()];
let h3 = hlist![Some(3), 4.5, 54, "hello world".to_owned()];
assert_eq!(h1.combine(&h2), h3);

// Generic and LabelledGeneric-based programming
// Allows Structs to play well easily with HLists

#[derive(Generic, LabelledGeneric)]
struct ApiUser<'a> {
    FirstName: &'a str,
    LastName: &'a str,
    Age: usize,

#[derive(Generic, LabelledGeneric)]
struct NewUser<'a> {
    first_name: &'a str,
    last_name: &'a str,
    age: usize,

struct SavedUser<'a> {
    first_name: &'a str,
    last_name: &'a str,
    age: usize,

// Instantiate a struct from an HList. Note that you can go the other way too.
let a_user: ApiUser = from_generic(hlist!["Joe", "Blow", 30]);

// Convert using Generic
let n_user = <NewUser as Generic>::convert_from(a_user); // done

// Convert using LabelledGeneric
// This will fail if the fields of the types converted to and from do not
// have the same names or do not line up properly :)
// Also note that we're using a helper method to avoid having to use universal
// function call syntax
let s_user: SavedUser = labelled_convert_from(n_user);

assert_eq!(s_user.first_name, "Joe");
assert_eq!(s_user.last_name, "Blow");
assert_eq!(s_user.age, 30);

// Uh-oh ! last_name and first_name have been flipped!
struct DeletedUser<'a> {
    last_name: &'a str,
    first_name: &'a str,
    age: usize,
// let d_user = <DeletedUser as LabelledGeneric>::convert_from(s_user); <-- this would fail at compile time :)

// This will, however, work, because we make use of the Sculptor type-class
// to type-safely reshape the representations to align/match each other.
let d_user: DeletedUser = sculpted_convert_from(s_user);
assert_eq!(d_user.first_name, "Joe");Run

Links: 1. Source on Github 2. page


pub use frunk_core::hlist::*;
pub use frunk_core::labelled::*;
pub use frunk_core::generic::*;
pub use frunk_derives::*;



Module for holding Monoid typeclass definitions and default implementations


Module for holding the Semigroup typeclass definition and typeclass instances


Module for holding Validated logic