[][src]Crate from_tuple

Derive From<Tuple> for structs that have unique field types.

Because of the restriction that field types must be unique, this derive works best with structs that utilize newtypes for data. Examples of where this may be common is with http request parameters, or web form inputs.


use from_tuple::FromTuple;

struct Hello {
    message: String,
    time: i32,
    counter: usize

fn main() {
    let h1: Hello = ("world".into(), -1, 42usize).into();
    let h2: Hello = (1_000_000_usize, i32::min_value(), "greetings".into()).into();
    let h3: Hello = (-42, "hi".into(), 0usize).into();

    assert_eq!(h1.time, -1);
    assert_eq!(h2.time, i32::min_value());
    assert_eq!(h3.time, -42);

    assert_eq!(h1.counter, 42);
    assert_eq!(h2.counter, 1_000_000);
    assert_eq!(h3.counter, 0);

    assert_eq!(&h1.message, "world");
    assert_eq!(&h2.message, "greetings");
    assert_eq!(&h3.message, "hi");

Non-unique structs

Structs that have non-unique field types will fail to compile. This is based on the actual type, and not the alias, so it will fail on e.g. c_uchar and u8.

This example deliberately fails to compile
use from_tuple::FromTuple;

struct NonUnique {
    first: String,
    index: usize,
    second: String,

Attempting to compile the previous example will result in

error: Field types must be unique in a struct deriving `FromTuple`
  --> src/lib.rs:41:5
10 |     second: String,
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Support for non-unique types is under consideration for a future version, but has not been implemented because it requires order-dependant fields for structs - a surprising behaviour and can accidentally be broken by adding a field in the wrong position unknowingly.

Requiring unique types may also be surprising behaviour, but is able to be caught at compile time easily. Additionally, I (personally) find it less surprising than it being order-dependant.

Derive Macros


Derive From<Tuple> for a struct with unique field types